Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Meanwhile, Back at the Dairy....

Hello Friends!
While many of you may be ready for fall, I really am missing summer already. It seemed to fly by and all I can remember is milking and hay making.  Some of the projects we have been working on all summer are coming to completion, or are very close.  We're excited to see these changes that will lesson the stress and make everyday chores happen smoothly and more efficiently.
A long time in the planning-We got the drive going around the parlor to the pit completed!  A huge bonus here: all that wait time meant we got recycled asphalt instead of crushed concrete.  This is an upgrade, for sure.  I am excited and grateful to have a nice drive this winter.....which should mean we don't get stuck!

Dairyland Excavating also completed the drive at the new gateway that Neville Supply installed earlier this year.  We have never had a proper drive by the wrapped bales.  Never.  Thanks are in order to Dairyland Excavating for their talent and time in doing these projects.

We also filled in this big hole, where we drive the 806 back to the new barn to feed the cows.  It's the little not going through a huge hole when you make this corner.  The day goes so much better!

My friend Kathy has been a great encouragement in terms of running this summer. She gently prodded me in the spring, and we signed up for the Dashing for Ag series.  This was the final 5k, the Agri-fit Challenge.  The semi load of sugar beats, donated by Crumbaugh Legacy, INC, was one of the final obstacles.

One of my favorite parts of the 5k was this obstacle. Not because it was easy, or short, but because a fellow GreenStone board member who was photographing the event, ran with me from this obstacle to the next. Camera in tow.  We laughed, and her smile and friendship encouraged me.
For the first time ever, I got to attend a Spartan football game with my brother.  We had a blast!  My family has 3 graduates of MSU, and my brother and I both come from the dairy sector.  Our blood runs green....but only in sports. Not in tractors!

I am so excited to have finally set up a self serve egg station at the farm!  We have wanted to do this for a long time!  In November I will also have grass fed beef for sale.
This picture, taken October 4th, just warms my heart. To be on full grass in October is such a blessing.  We were very dry in July and had to supplement the cows with balage.  Being able to graze longer in the fall is so enjoyable for me.  The less time in the barn in the winter....the better. LOL!
Coming up.....more hay.  In all honesty, I would have loved to finish up the hay in September, grease all the equipment, change discbine knives, and tuck everything away nicely in the barn. BUT, God did this....he brought out awesome sunshine and adequate rainfall, so we will get a 3rd cutting at the heifer ranch, and a 4th cutting of the alfalfa at home in mid to late October, given we get a break in the rain.  We are up over 2000 bales already this year, a record for our farm.  God is Great!
I think often of stories and experiences I would like to share on here with you, but the days seem to pass by before I get the chance.  There are great memories, some funny, some sad, some that would make one ponder for awhile, along with daily events or things that the kids say ( a blog in itself!).  As we continue to grow and restructure I am hoping to bring on at least one more additional part time employee, to ease up on my work load. In reality thus far, however, God has provided what I need for each day.  We are very grateful to have brought on Sam, another graduate of MSU from the dairy sector, and Mel, who helps me with the kids and the house in the morning.

My devotion this morning reminds me that...
...Whenever your mind wanders into the future, make the effort to include Me in that imagery. See Me helping you, strengthening you, encouraging you.  Instead of being intimidated by tough times ahead, view them as adventures that you and I together can handle...
How short we often sell the possibilities of the future because we limit what we think God can or will do.

One last thing....check out this beauty....your next tractor!


  1. I heard of using a blog to sell things, but never tractors!! Makes me smile!

  2. Free advertising? Great pics, by the way! We appreciate your help!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It sounds like things are going well for you right now, which is an answer to prayer. I'll continue praying for you and your family. God is so good....all the time.
