Sunday, April 14, 2013

Homeschooling the Farmer's Kid

I follow a blog of a homeschooling mother of 9.  She recalled when her and her husband first decided to home school and she promptly went to her homeschooling friends and said "OK, now what do I do?' in which they replied "whatever you want!"

There really is some truth to that.  There is so much curriculum available for homeschoolers to utilize, that it is almost overwhelming when you first start and are trying to figure out what works best for you.  Most families pick the curriculum that fits their learning style, or they make up their own.

We are currently using Bob Jones University Press.  We use the distance learning DVDs and workbooks.  Most of the lessons come on a DVD taught by WONDERFUL Christian teachers.  The kids watch their lesson, and then complete the assignment, in which I can further direct them or help them when needed.  I also modify the lesson when I need to. Sometimes we just want to do something that is more fun or relevant to what we are working on.

This past week our 4th grader needed to write a business letter for English.  So, instead of writing one to a fake company just to practice formatting a letter, we wrote one for real, that would be sent in the mail.  He picked the Lely company.  Lely makes robotic milkers that dairy farmers install in their barns to milk the cows. The cow goes into the stall by herself, and while she eats her grain, the robotic arm attaches the milking unit.  My parents have two Lely robots working for them.

Making this English assignment a real-life adventure made all the difference in the level of excitement of our 4th grader.  Each day, he looked forward to working on his letter, first drafting & formatting, then revising, proofreading, and finally typing it out.  I think he ran to the mailbox to send it out!

We were expecting a brochure sent back in the mail in a self addressed stamped envelope that was sent with the letter.   This is what he got:

In a box sent by UPS there was 2 magazines, a tablet of Lely stationary, a USB drive with Lely product videos, a reversible winter hat, a squishy cow and a letter from the company.  If you cannot imagine his excitement, I could describe it to being close to an adult winning the lottery.

We hit a home run in homeschooling this week!  The 4th grader says he wants to be an electrician, but as we learn about is passions and interests anything that has to do with Lely is right up there at the top.  I wouldn't be surprised if he worked for them someday.  We'll have to wait and see.....

We've been very busy this week on the farm. Since the 30th of March we have had 39 calves.  Our record for April is 84, so as long as they keep comin' we might be able to match or surpass that!  We've had over 4 1/2 inches of rain which has been challenging.  It has delayed the spring growth of grass which is so desperately needed.  Rick brought up the last of the hay that we have, so we will have to start looking to purchase some more, which will come at a premium price.  The calves have fared well and we were finally able to make our first group pen (we mob feed the calves in groups of 10) and will have another 10 ready this week!  We did lose one calf to a pneumonia type sickness, unfortunately.

Job 1:21 The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised!


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