Saturday, December 14, 2013

Under Attack Part 2-Homeschooling

You knew this was coming, right? Part 1 requires a "part 2", so here we go-today we'll open up the discussion on homeschooling.

The big picture offers parents three choices for their children's education: public school, private/charter school, and homeschooling.  Most every variation of education will fall under one of these three options.   Is having options for your child's education a bad thing?  We don't think so.  Every child and family is different.  They have different needs, learning styles, and God given talents (art or science, for example).  So why is it that some people are so threatened and offended by our homeschooling?  I think its from the lack of understanding-so I'm going to explain the answers to the most asked questions we get about homeschooling.

1. What is wrong with the public schools in your area?
     -Nothing.  We want our children to have a Christian education and cannot afford the parochial schools in our area for all of our children.  We want to install strong morals and ethics into the kids before we cut them loose into the real world, in hopes that they kick in when tough situations challenge the children.  I have a lot of christian friends who are public school teachers.  If I could put all of them into one school, public school would be more viable for us.  It seems as though a lot of times public school teachers have their hands tied behind their backs.  They can't say "God" or "bible", and walk a very fine line when it comes to any ethical or character training.
  -We also like the flexibility that comes with homeschooling.  We make our own schedule.  We still do about 150 lessons per school year, just maybe not on the same days as the other schools.  We can tailor the kids' education beyond the basics to their specific interests.  If they need to go slower, we can go slower. If they need to go faster, we can go faster.  Home schools do not necessarily create a bunch of over educated kids-but it might help them keep up with their peers.  We appreciate that in the elementary years our kids time spent doing school work is notably shorter,and that they have more time to play and "learn" outside.

2.  How long do you plan on homeschooling?
  -We take it one year at a time.  It would be foolish of us to say "forever".  We do not know what our circumstances are going to be in the future. We do not know God's plans for us.  We do not know how our children's needs will change over the years, or how our needs will change.  What we do know is that we want to do what is best for our kids right now, and that is homeschooling.

3. What about high school?
  -What about it? This is practically a direct insult to my own intelligence.  Will homeschooling high school be harder? Of course. Is it doable? Yes! I graduated from high school.  I even graduated from a certificate dairy program at MSU.  All of what we are teaching here is more or less a review for us (Rick and I).  One of the smartest things we can do is recognize our own weaknesses, and get outside help in those areas.  This might be a tutor; an online interactive class, or a community college class.  It may be a matter of choosing different curriculum and teaching method for that student.  With the curriculum we're using right now, we have the option of learning via lessons on DVDs, lessons online, or the very same lessons taught by me from the teacher's manual.  One key to being successful is knowing when to ask for help or ideas-and not being afraid to.
  -My own high school experience had many positive aspects, but unfortunately the ones I remember the most are the English teacher that swore all the time, and the math teacher who constantly talked about when I would be out of school and have a "real job"-you know, NOT milking cows.  Not to mention all the efforts put towards swaying the soon to be 18 year old registered voters (the seniors) into voting a certain direction in the upcoming election.

4.  Are you worried about their socialization?
  -This answer depends on who's asking it.  Some people just ask this because it's what they've been taught to ask-they don't even really know why they're asking it.  Other forms of the question include "Do they (the kids) get to do things with other kids?".   If the person comes across as judgemental, I'll throw them off by saying "yes, that's why they're not in public school."  A confused look appears and I follow with "there's a lot of things we don't want them to learn from other kids and teachers at this young age."  If the question is sincere, I simply explain that our children take music lessons, are involved in 4-H, church, summer camps, and have 19 cousins (on my side) to play with.  Our kids also have each other, us, and often they get to visit with people who come and go on a daily basis.  They get to interact with people of all ages.  And like I said earlier, our children's needs could change.  One of them might be more outgoing and need more time with friends, one might be more quiet and content with a smaller circle.

5.  Do you have to take a test to make sure you're competent enough to home school?
  -Someone actually asked this.  Our state has relatively relaxed rules when it comes to homeschooling.  Other states make you register as homeschoolers and report each year.  Knowing that we are responsible for our children's education is enough pressure to do the absolute best we possibly can, without having to make sure we align another person's standards of what they feel is important to teach.  Just like everything else, I am sure there are some homeschooling families who may be performing at sub par levels, or hiding behind the home school label.  I can't help that. And no, there's no test.

I don't feel that every family should home school, or that every family should attend public or private school.  I think they should do what's best for their family.  As a whole it would be nice if all sectors of the education system could work together, for the future.  Recently a teacher we attend church with excitedly shared a website with me, that I can benefit from. That was so nice of her!  By sharing with her some of our experiences, it just might help her understand how to help a previously home schooled student transition into public school.  There are always going to be kids transitioning from public to private or home school, and the other way around.  We may as well try to make it as stress-free as possible for the kids.

If you're a public school teacher, know that our homeschooling is not a put-down on you.  You are a very important part of our society.  We are not homeschooling because we don't think you are good enough.  We are homeschooling with very specific goals in mind.  Please don't feel offended.  Know that we are doing our best, and are genuinely concerned about our children's education.  Maybe instead of sharing that home school failure story with us, you could offer up some words of encouragement, and together we can work towards raising responsible, caring, and loving adults.

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