Sunday, April 27, 2014

Buying Impulse

All in the farmer's week....

Monday, Rick and I went to Otsego to pick up our Alfalfa seed from friends who own Newland Seed & Supply.  We purchased it last fall at the early discounted price, and Craig stores it for us until we're ready.  Our sitter watched the kids, so...

We also picked up this guy. His name is Impulse.  He is a pure Jersey bull, that we will use to breed the 2 yr. olds this summer.  Our Jersey bulls come from a farmer that specializes in raising bulls, and all of them have been tested.

Craig & his wife treated us to lunch!  The bull hollered from the trailer the whole time.  Guess he wanted some, too.


We also started working on our new calf lots this week.  These will be in the grass lot in front of the new barn.  Here, Rick is showing our son where to nail in the insulators on the corner post.

We borrowed a post pounder from a friend, and got most all of the post driven in an afternoon.

I created a plan that involves 3 pens, with a "feeding center" in the middle, or "the cube" as we call it.  I'll share pictures of that when we get it done.

In preparation for our son's birthday, I made some ice cream.  It takes two batches in the Cuisinart, so I have to make it ahead of time.  In reality, it is actually must faster for me to whip up ice cream at home than pick it up at the store.  We have all the ingredients on hand, too-eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla.  I'm not sure why we don't make it more often!

We had a great time celebrating his birthday. We did only the minimals outside, then played in the park, had pizza, and his birthday party with Grandma and Grandpa.  His birthday was the last time I ever had a day off in April (11 years ago)!  Its takes a special kind of crazy to love seasonal calving!

Our Spring days are filled mostly with outside tasks.  After school in the morning, we have lunch together then head outside to gather up new calves, work on projects (calf pens, fence,), clean up around the farm, and do daily chores.

I've noticed that others have already tilled their garden once, mulched around their plants, and even mowed their lawn.  I know we'll eventually get to those things soon as Cutting Edge Lawn Care shows up!

Have a great day!

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