Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Farmer's Day Off

Last week, Rick and Kid #1 took a day off.  What do farmers do on their day off?  Most likely something related to farming.  This time it was the Ft. Wayne Farm Show.  For many years now Rick has made this annual trip with some other seasoned farmers.

A day off constitutes not having to work during daylight hours, so Kid #1 helped with morning chores before they left.  He did an extra day of school during Christmas break to make up for being gone.

This year I sent the camera with them.  Along with oodles of pencils, notepads, and little gadgets, they brought home a couple of snapshots.

While they did this....

I did this.

One of our team members and I did afternoon chores.  I had a sitter for the other kids, and we all enjoyed the change in pace from our regular afternoon schedule. 

Saturday night we had a great time at the Friends of 4-H dinner.  This annual fundraiser is planned, organized, and hosted by volunteers (read :4-H parents) and is always a lot of fun. Along with a excellent meal there is entertainment, games, and a silent auction.  It is so much fun to see your former fellow 4-Hers compete against each other in silly takes you right back to fair. So take heart current 4-Hers: if you can't beat them now, there's still time!

We went home with some neat items from the auction including some movie tickets, a food stand gift certificate, local honey, and some tools.  All very useful items-and none of them will clutter up the house! Win!

These next couple of weeks will be spent doing normal chores outside, prepping for dry-up, and finishing up all the business related tasks involved with self employment.  I'm happy to say we've got our balance sheet, cash flow projection, 2014 inventory, CSP records, and W-2s done!  Now onto 1099s, our tax appointment worksheets/summary, and finally getting a year end summary to the bank. If there was one month I would trade Employer for would be January!

Happy Tax Season!
I think I'll start planning MY day off! :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun day! Always nice to have a change in routine for a refresher. 4-H Dinner sounds fun. Remind me for next year. :)
