Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Projects & Parties...

A friend made a comment to me the other day. He said, "I love how you're keeping everyone on edge about the blog! I keep checking to see if you've wrote again yet!"  I had never thought about it that way, but just in case you are one of those who have been waiting, here's what we've been up to...

After an incident with the wood stove last winter, we put up a separate chimney for the stove to get us through the winter.  Before this heating season we had to replace the stone chimney, move both of them over, and encase them-simply because we didn't like the look of two stainless steel missiles going up the side of the house.

I asked our contractor if he was going to dirty up the new siding so it would match the old siding.  He said maybe after he was done playing football with the boys...which he did on every lunch and afternoon break.  He has all girls at home, so it was a win-win situation :).
We also made a quick trip to Pennsylvania.  On our way we went past this:

We seen the driver safely sitting in the police car, so we were then able to mourn the loss of this new Ford pick up.  Fortunately for us we passed the scene before the fire trucks arrived, so we weren't caught up in that particular back up.  However, we did experience a 10 mile back up in PA due to another accident.  I was reminded how great God has been.  We have drove that stretch of road (535 miles worth) many times over, and he has watched over us and kept us safe.  It is so easy to look back and be grateful for the good that God has done, but how hard it is to be grateful for what he is doing today, merely because we have yet to see the end result.

While in PA, we visited our 4th cousin's farm for the first time.  We had a great time!  They operate a grass-based farm with a split calving season, fall and spring.  Most all of their farm has been transitioned to organic, and they recently began providing milk for Trickling Springs Creamery of Chambersburg.  We learned about their ag. plastic recycling, their chicken processing, and talked of plans and ideas for the future.  It was a very refreshing and rejuvenating visit, and we really enjoyed talking with people who are excited about grazing and the future of the dairy industry.

We got to see the treasures in the shop....we have friends who would have REALLY enjoyed this!  Note: there was a couple red tractors in the back....,..

Mobile chicken processor.  Read: Coolest thing ever!

While the boy's cows were a bit small for the parlor, they had the right idea......

We are so proud of the Geisinger family!

We stopped by the creamery for some product :)

The real reason we went to PA was for this lady...

Who celebrates her 90th birthday this month!  Rick and his siblings threw a surprise birthday party for her, at her house (slightly tricky, but they pulled it off!).

I know you have already heard enough about the game, but we couldn't resist this picture.  It was an eventful evening as we really thought we were going to have to congratulate our nephew on his team's win.....but....NO!  So, we said he could have his cake and eat it too....off of a State plate. LOL! 

One proud Grandma!

I got up early to run the next day, and this is what I found.  No, his head is not completely covered ( I checked).  These kids never cease to amaze me!
We had a lot of time on the road to talk and think, so we worked on some long range farm plans.  While we wrote out our 1 yr., 5yr., and 10yr. goals, I encouraged us to think farther outside the box than we ever have, and not let what we presume to be reality squash the potential opportunities for our business.

I read these verses this morning, and it really made me think that we don't trust God enough to really let go and let him work.  Are we missing out on opportunities because we don't fully trust and just go with the plans he lays before us?

Proverbs 20:24  The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?
Psalm 20:4  May he grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed.
Psalm 37:23  The Lord directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives.

How awesome is that?!


  1. Are you sure there are red tractors in the back of that shop? It's kind of hard to tell. ;)

    Love all the pics and verses... thankful for you guys! Keep up the good work! :)
